Archives Have Moved

POSTED:: October 23, 2013


First, welcome to the new! We’re pretty excited to have a new platform to expand on what we offer you, to present new and old music in new ways.

The question we have received the most is, “Where are the Archives?” The answer is simple – they now exist right on the Program Schedule. Simply click “Schedule” and you will see that each show has an archive attached.



However, we’re still working on routing all the archives properly. This may take a little while, so if you don’t see your shows archive, note that the archives are still pulling in three hour blocks. For instance, if you want Melissa’s archive, it’s currently being housed in the Noon – 12:30 The Disclaimer block on the Program Schedule. This should all be routed properly in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for updates.

POSTED BY:: Ryan Schleicher
