Alverno Presents Nick Sanborn: Lend Me Your Voice

November 9, 2013 @ 2:00 am
Pitman Theater
3431 South 39th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

During his decade-plus in Milwaukee, Sanborn was a member of Decibully, Headlights and Buffalo. Now in Raleigh, NC, he performs with Collections of Colonies of Bees, Megafaun, Cedar AV, and produces solo material under the name of Made of Oak. But as if that isn’t enough, he also sits in with countless musicians as a sideman. And so goes the tale of Lend Me Your Voice.

Nick’s Premise: How does an artist enter into and support someone else’s vision? And does that support, in turn, shape the sideman? The clear-eyed yet wry Sanborn will narrate his own story, talking between performances with six of his most esteemed collaborators. Each will perform a solo with Sanborn and then join the collected ensemble that accumulates as the night progresses. The performers? Brad Cook (Megafaun), Erin Fein (Headlights, Psychic Twin), Amelia Meath (Mountain Man, Sylvan Esso), Christopher Porterfield (Field Report), Chris Rosenau (Collections of Colonies of Bees, Volcano Choir) and Joe Westerlund (Megafaun, Grandma Sparrow).

POSTED BY:: Ryan Schleicher