#wmse34 – Brewcity Brutality

POSTED:: March 21, 2015


About the photo:alexand

This photo was from 2003 at Ozzfest just after I graduated High School. Zakk Wydle was a mountain compared to me!

Who was the first artist you played as a WMSE DJ ?

If I remember correctly the first artists I played on WMSE were Dio, At The Drive In, & The Haunted

Who was the first musician/band you remember interviewing at WMSE?

The first person that I interviewed with 91.7 WMSE was Oderus “Davie Brockie” Urungus from GWAR. It was actually my FIRST DAY working with WMSE back in 2011. It was unreal. We sat back stage at The Rave and had a couple beers and discussed the history of GWAR. Having been a diehard Scumdog (GWAR fan) it was the opportunity of a lifetime! Out of a 30 min interview, we could only publish four short questions because of language and his twisted sense of humor. But it was great, he took care of me at every show after that, until his death earlier last year. It was pretty amazing to become friends with him for his last years. I have WMSE to thank for that.


POSTED BY:: Sidney McCain