POSTED:: December 11, 2019

FILED UNDER:: In-Studio Performances, Interviews, Local/Live, Special Programming

The mysterious powers of pizza, bicycles, and fate orchestrated a series of seemingly chance encounters that fostered the musical unity of The Old Prospectors. All orbiting the Milwaukee music universe, drummer Dan Dahl, bassist Bob Daly, and guitarist / keyboardsmith Frank Bufe collided in 2015 and embarked on a musical journey to bring joy and transcendent experience into their community.

Drawing from an array of progressive rock influences, the Old Prospectors ultimately developed the material for Eureka!, the band’s debut album, released in November. A 10-track journey through psychedelic desert landscapes and funk-laden crystal temples, Eureka! takes listeners on an ethereal pilgrimage of the senses. Along the way, travelers bathe in the depths of synth rivers, oscillate to drum-induced currents from the tributaries, climb to the tops of bass mesas, and float on the waves of strings cast into vibration.

Tune into WMSE’s Local/Live on December 17th with The Old Prospectors – WMSE.org to stream the show live or in the archives or simply tune your radio to 91.7 FM at the 6 o’ clock hour.

Local/Live on WMSE is sponsored by Club Garibaldi.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::91.7 FM, Local/Live, The Old Prospectors, WMSE