POSTED:: June 10, 2020

FILED UNDER:: In-Studio Performances, Interviews, Local/Live, Special Programming

Over the coming weeks, WMSE will be digging into our archives to bring you some blast-from-the-past Local/Live performances! Our next installment doesn’t stretch super far back, yet it was one of our favorites in recent memory and we wanted to share it again…

Milwaukee’s Testa Rosa records heart-crushing pop music and have been hailed as “throwbacks to a time when songwriting mattered” by Goldmine Magazine and “blindingly beautiful” by All Music Guide. Their most recent, fourth release, Testa Rosa IV was released this past November. Betty Blexrud-Strigens and Damian Strigens are wife and husband in real life and share guitarist roles in Testa Rosa, with Blexrud-Strigens on lead vocals. Paul Hancock (bass), Nick Berg (keyboards) and Bill Backes (drums), round out the band’s sound for a full, pop palette.

The Shepherd Express recently wrote, “Testa Rosa’s discography is scattered with references to nature, animals, seasons and planets. Blexrud-Strigens says this is no coincidence. ‘As flakey as it sounds, nature is just so vibrationally charged…but outside in nature is totally where the action is, if you want to feel something powerful. Especially in the early morning. That’s church.’”

Get a taste of the magic of Testa Rosa when we re-broadcast the band’s 2019 performance this Tuesday, June 16thWMSE.org to stream, world-wide, or simply tune your radio to 91.7 FM at the 6 o’ clock hour. 

Local/Live on WMSE is sponsored by Club Garibaldi.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::91.7 FM, Local/Live, Local/Live Archive, Testa Rosa, WMSE