Watch: A Very Studly Christmas

POSTED:: December 24, 2013

FILED UNDER:: In-Studio Performances, Local/Live

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Why ever today is meaningful for you and yours, it’s simply good that it is meaningful.

Today we hope to make your day even more meaningful, that is, if your idea of meaningful is sitting at your computer watching YouTube videos of dudes (and a lady) with names like Cesar Palace and Blake ‘The Lake’ Tahoe playing Vegas-style renditions of classic Christmas tunes.

You’re certainly familiar with 5 Card Studs. If you’re not, well, just filter what you’re about to see through this genre description, “The 5 Card Studs are a unique blend of big-time Las Vegas attitude and ‘70’s TV game show schmaltz, all glossed over with a ‘washed-up lounge/wedding singer’ veneer.”

Enjoy this Studs version of “Santa Baby”. And seriously, sincere wishes that your holiday season is fruitful and meaningful. But if it’s not, at least your have the Studs doing Christmas tunes on Local/Live, right?

Recorded: December 17, 2013
Program: Local/Live
Location: Bob & Genie Friedman Live Performance Studio at WMSE

POSTED BY:: admin