A ‘Jenefit’? POSTED:: October 7, 2009
FILED UNDER:: Concerts
Yes. A Jenefit; as in local hairdresser, Jen Skladanek.
As we all know, being a hairdresser requires deftness and dexterity of both hands and arms. Imagine the chance occurance of a broken arm if you are said hairdresser. Not good for business, right?
Luckily for Skladanek, she has creative and caring pals to kick both the creativity and the caring spirit into high gear. Rosemary Silagy of the Mad Planet along with photographer Leah Jepson and local musicians Betty Blexrud-Strigens and Damian Strigens (Testa Rosa) wanted to help Skladanek out (who has no medical insurance).
Silagy, Jepson, Blexrud-Strigens and Strigens decided a benefit concert would be the ticket to help their friend out while she’s temporarily unable to style with her trusty scissors. Strigens said, “Poor girl has no insurance and is a right-handed hairdresser (she broke her right arm…) so you can imagine how this is kind of a challenge financially, as well as physically. This event isn’t going to really dent the massive hospital bill, but hopefully, it will help her get through some lost work time cash. Luckily, for her, she has a bunch of musician friends that are willing to pitch in and help.”
Testa Rosa will be performing for the ‘Jenefit’ alongside CHIEF, and Rich Menning (DJ Atomic Rich) will be spinning records all evening, with the festivities starting at 8 p.m. Also, a possible “surprise” set by the Nerve Twins will be going down. “Testa Rosa will be playing new and old songs — we’re about halfway recording our new record and we’ll preview some of those. Nerve Twins are doing a mini set which has yet to be determined (this should be a surprise for everyone, ourselves included), and CHIEF will also be bringing their brand of ROCK (all caps)….should be loads of fun,” Strigens says. Jepson will also have some of her photographs on hand to donate to the evening’s raffle, as well as other items.
Jenefit! takes place at Mad Planet (533 E. Center St.) at 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 8th.
(update: Summertime Dudes will no longer be playing the benefit, as indicated on the flier)