See Owen Pallett at Turner Hall Ballroom Tonight, Get a Sweet Poster from WMSE

POSTED:: April 12, 2010

FILED UNDER:: Concerts


This evening brings Canadian composer Owen Pallett (formerly named ‘Final Fantasy’) to Milwaukee’s Turner Hall Ballroom – the young musician began writing compositions at age thirteen after years of violin lessons stuck with him. Stuck, so, that Pallett not only continued writing his own compositions, but began spending a great portion of his time arranging and playing strings for artists such as Grizzly BearBeirut, the Arcade FireDeath From Above 1979Pet Shop Boys and the Hidden Cameras.

Under his own name, Pallett has recently released the vehemently delicateHeartland, of which allmusicguide mentions  as “[exploring] the entire spectrum of human emotion without ever succumbing to hipster irony” and XLR8R points out that concerning Heartland, “filled to the brim with ambitious, orchestral arrangements and an army of instruments, it’s easy to forget that Heartland is the work of one musician.” Sound impressive? Check out Pallett’s experimental and classically-grounded compositions tonight at Turner with Toronto’s Snowblink opening.

Want to score your own poster for Owen Pallett’s Heartland? Easy. Just send an email with “Owen Pallett” in the subject line to wolf (at) msoe (dot) edu, and the poster is all yours. Deadline is Tuesday, April 13th by 5 p.m.

Owen Pallett (formerly Final Fantasy) performs at Turner Hall Ballroom (1032 N. 4th) tonight with Snowblink. 8 p.m. All-ages.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf