A Trip to Bandcamp With: Caley Conway & the Lucy Cukes

POSTED:: March 6, 2014

FILED UNDER:: Concerts

Caley Conway might run on coins from the Rusty Nickel Band much of her musical time, but in solo endeavors, Conway is fueled by her own inspiration as “Caley Conway & the Lucy Cukes“. Conway’s voice is capable of airy flights and soulful yodels, diving into territory explored and perfected by singer-songwriters bygone from the folky Joni Mitchell to the urban savvy of Alana Davis. Conway adds her own spin to things, using humor to lighten any of the usual serious lyrical trappings of the genre. Employing Robert Weiss, Alex Heaton and Timothy Stone to add percussive and twangy qualities to her acoustic guitar work, Conway evokes an easy, yet thoughtful vibe on her new EP, Discipline Soup, pre-released via Bandcamp in late January and set for a physical release next week.

Conway’s lyricism is craftier than it might seem on first listen, delving into deep subjects with simple poise and a bit of a shrug; Milwaukee Magazine recently wrote of Conway, “With a rare voice and sharp, detailed lyrics, she commands the center of her songs with a quiet ease that suggests she’s been at this for a while.” Conway gets ready to release that first official EP this month, at Linnemans Riverwest Inn. Find an official copy of Discipline Soup at the show and get a sneak preview by clicking the cover image.

Caley Conway & the Lucy Cukes release ‘Discipline Soup’ at Linnemans on Friday, March 14th. 8pm, 21+ Also playing: Cat Ries, Lady Cannon and Dupond Dupond.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::Bandcamp, Caley Conway & the Lucy Cukes, WMSE