05/06 -
05/06 Listen Back: Local/Live with Devil Met Contention
Local/Live this week featured Milwaukee's Devil Met Contention, a former solo project of ban... -
04/29 Local/Live: May 5 – Devil Met Contention
"The southern Gothic sound of Devil Met Contention is perfect if you feel like dancing, ... -
04/29 Listen Back: Local/Live with Gauss
Local/Live this week brought WMSE listeners tunes from Milwaukee’s Gauss, a five-piece... -
04/22 Local/Live: April 28 – Gauss
Formed in 2012, Gauss is Eddie Chapman, Andy Grygiel, James Brickner and John Larkin. Th... -
04/15 Local/Live: April 21 – Surgeons In Heat
Surgeons In Heat may put the retro in their pop, but they always make it lots of fun. Th... -
04/08 Local/Live: April 14 – Klassik (live at Todd Wehr Conference Center)
Milwaukee’s young soulful rapper Klassik already has some pretty big things to cheer a... -
04/08 Listen Back: Local/Live with the Brian Wurch Band
Local/Live this week brought WMSE listeners tunes from Milwaukee's rock veterans , the B... -
04/01 Local/Live: April 7 – The Brian Wurch Band
"The Brian Wurch Band started out as 'The Gigolo's" playing on Water Street in the 90's ... -
04/01 Listen Back: Local/Live with Soup Moat
Local/Live this week brought WMSE listeners the sludge-y goodness of Milwaukee quartet, Soup... -
03/25 Local/Live: March 31 – Soup Moat
In the belly of the cosmic squirrel-beast there stands a castle. Around the castle flows... -
03/25 Listen Back: Local/Live with Volcanos
Local/Live this week brought WMSE listeners tune-age from Milwaukee’s Volcanos. The b...