‘Cause We’re Waiting by the Phone, Waiting for You to Call Us Up and Tell Us We’re Not Alone… POSTED:: November 6, 2009
Hey Everybody,
I won tickets to see Frank Zappa at the Milwaukee Auditorium in the spring of 1981, WMSE’s freshman year, from Paul Host. I had never won anything in my life. I asked Paul on the phone (who was and still is my hero), “Can I come down and pick up the tickets?”, he replied, “I suppose”.
I drove down to WMSE that rainy spring night and stopped into the studio which was, at the time, located the MLH dorm. I walked into the studio and there was Paul Host with DJ Cleaver and his copper-penny-Bowie-shag-mullet and more earrings that the jewelry department at Boston Store. They were in studio with another favorite, DJ Flux Density.
I told the dream team I was there to pick up my Zappa tickets. They offered me a beer, gave me the tickets and I couldn’t stop telling the story of meeting my three favorite DJ’s. Paul Host even called me “kid”. It was a truly memorable moment that made me love the station that much more.
In 1983 I was invited by Neil Mickey to come down and spin records. At the time I was a parachute pants, Duran Duranite new waver in a band worshiping Gary Numan. Everyone who listened to WMSE in 1983 was either in a band or knew someone in a band. I thought at the time that nothing would ever eclipse that day. I got to play Tuxedomoon, Clock DVA, and Kraftwerk on WMSE !!! I could not believe it. Little did I know that Neil would ask me to fill out an application. And the rest is history.
26 years later look how far we’ve come. Look at the progress we’ve made. Look at the absolutely amazing history you the listeners have helped us write. In 1997 we knew that in order to take the next big leap, the next big spurt of growth, we would have to start asking our listeners for funding. We knew we needed bigger studios, we knew we needed to grow, and we knew we wanted to make sure Milwaukee bands had a great place to play live. Twelve years later, we continue to look to you, the listener, to help keep Milwaukee bands playing live. To keep a place for the DJs to keep doing what they do. To keep inspiring the Little Tommy Craw Craw’s of the world.
Maybe we’re the station where you won something for the first time in your life. Maybe you met Dr. Fell or Dori or Johnny Z or Jules and they called you “kid”. Each one listeners has a story like mine about this great station, this institution. I personally look forward to your support today as we push to get to our 125k goal. We have $46,000 left to go to hit our goal and only 8 hours left to do it. We can do this, friends. Call us as 414.799.1917 or go online to make your financial contribution to WMSE today.
Oh, and thank god that time, age and a few extra pounds keep me from wearing those parachute pants.
Thanks for your support,
Tom “Adam Ant” Crawford
WMSE Station Manager, but more so, a WMSE Fan, Believer, and Supporter