Celebrate 40 Years of Outpost with Decibully and The WhiskeyBelles This Saturday

POSTED:: April 15, 2010


Everyone knows the drill on local-equalling-sustainable: locally-made items, locally-grown food and locally-created music all builds community. This Saturday, two of those driving forces of sustainability will be teaming up to celebrate forty years of Outpost Natural Foods in Milwaukee, and Outpost found a delicious way for Milwaukee music lovers to join in on the fun. The musical portion of this Saturday’s celebration will take place at MSOE’s Todd Wehr Auditorium (1047 N. Broadway), starting at 5 p.m. Outpost will give their owners free admission to the local party at Todd Wehr which will  feature the dynamic folk-pop of Decibully and the sweet vocal harmonization of the fiddle and accordion-centric WhiskeyBelles. Check out the above video (click the flier) of Decibully’s ‘Somewhere in the World” from their recently-released World Travels Fast. More information on the event, below. Happy birthday, Outpost!

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf