Chris Denny and the Natives, Live on WMSE Today

POSTED:: October 8, 2009

FILED UNDER:: Concerts, In-Studio Performances, Interviews


Just shy of fifteen minutes (that’s 2:15 p.m.), all the way from Little Rock, Arkansas,Chris Denny and the Natives will be showcasing their tightly-honed twang and sweet squalor over the airwaves on Dori’s show. The band is en route to the Turner Hall Ballroom for a performance tonight at 7 p.m. — part of their Daytrotter Barnstormer tour which is FREE (really!) and will also feature performances by DawesSuckers and locals, Maritime.

Tune in and listen at 91.7 FM on your radio dial or stream online at Listen to a song from Chris Denny and the Natives, here.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf