POSTED:: October 21, 2020

FILED UNDER:: Local/Live, Special Programming

For the next bit, WMSE will be digging into our archives to bring you some blast-from-the-past Local/Live performances.

Cairns is the main project of Milwaukee musician, John Larkin, who debuted his initial recordings in 2015. Cairns’ 2018 release, Entanglement, was Cairns’ debut full-length with a full band. WMSE welcomed Cairns into our studios for Local/Live around the time of Entanglement’s release. While performed and recorded by mostly Larkin, himself, he added contributions from other Milwaukee musicians to fill out the soundscape – Caley Conway, Eli Smith, Eddie Chapman, Sam Pekarske and Joe Kirschling were part of the live ensemble for Entanglement.

Layered and expansive, Entanglement masks its complex time signatures and rhythms with layers of meticulous sound and dynamic swells through every track and nearly every song features drastic stylistic changes throughout. No two moments carry the same weight. This release marked significant development in the complexity of Cairns’ sound and Larkin’s songwriting. Its name was derived from the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, befitting of the direction the project had taken.

Most recently, Larkin has released a new Cairns album (empty space // sacred place) which experiments even further with layers of sound and the musical static that reaches out to connect with not only the ears but the heart and soul of its listener.

Tune into WMSE this Tuesday for another great Local/Live Archive rebroadcast – WMSE.org to stream, world-wide, or simply tune your radio to 91.7 FM at the 6 o’ clock hour.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::91.7 FM, Cairns, Local/Live, Local/Live Archive, WMSE