Local/Live Archive: September 22 – Social Caterpillar

POSTED:: September 16, 2020

FILED UNDER:: Local/Live, Special Programming

Over the coming weeks, WMSE will be digging into our archives to bring you some blast-from-the-past Local/Live performances…

Self-described as a psychedelic chamber ensemble for the disobedient and melancholic youth, Milwaukee’s Social Caterpillar has been together since 2016. In its acronymic form, S.O.C.I.A.L.C.A.T.E.R.P.I.L.L.A.R., as the band often reminds their audience, means “striving onward collectively and illegally against the law cosmic art terminates every relation of power instantly limitless love amongst rebellion”. The band visited us around the time of their release for Motorcycle in 3 Movements in the summer of 2018.

Since, they’ve reorganized their makeup slightly, got into the studio at Electrical Audio with Greg Norman, joined a local record label (Confluence Records) and released a full-length, Start A Fire That Sings You A Song

Tune into WMSE this Tuesday for another great Local/Live Archive rebroadcast – WMSE.org to stream, world-wide, or simply tune your radio to 91.7 FM at the 6 o’clock hour. 

Local/Live on WMSE is sponsored by Club Garibaldi.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::91.7 FM, Local/Live, Local/Live Archive, Social Caterpillar, WMSE