POSTED:: July 17, 2019

FILED UNDER:: In-Studio Performances, Interviews, Local/Live, Special Programming

Gnarrenschiff has spent the last decade creating otherworldly music from the underworld of Milwaukee. With two electric saz’s (a stringed instrument from Turkey) played by Gabe Jankowski and Didier Leplae, bass played by Pete Railand and bodhran played by Bob Ellquist, Gnarrenschiff entrances listeners with their hypnotic compositions. Born in a kitchen during the darkest days of winter, Gnarrenschiff remains an anomoly within the city of its birth and is no hurry to do things differently – the group’s lone release was just last year; a collection of demos that both haunt and inspire the mind to wander.

Tune into WMSE’s Local/Live on Tuesday, July 23rd for a live set from Milwaukee’s Gnarenschiff. WMSE.org to stream live or in the archives or simply tune your radio to 91.7 FM at the 6 o’clock hour.

Local/Live on WMSE is sponsored by Club Garibaldi.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf

TAGGED::91.7 FM, Gnarrenschiff, Local/Live, WMSE