You Make It Work POSTED:: November 3, 2014
Membership Drive
FILED UNDER:: Membership Drive
“You Make It Work.” GM Tom Crawford, our esteemed leader, reminds me daily that this is not just a slogan, it is the truth. You, our listeners make WMSE work. Without your support we would not exist. An obvious statement to make, but it’s not just about keeping us on air, it’s also about our community outreach, our incredibly eclectic programming and the ability to bring you the best radio experience in Milwaukee. This year’s fall membership drive kicks off this Friday, November 7 on Dr. Fell’s “Jing Jong Triple Play” and will finish on Friday, November 14 on Sonia’s “Blues Drive.” This is a great time to support your favorite DJ and your favorite station. Become a sustaining member or make a onetime donation. Because You Make It Work!