Member Party Hot Cocoa Donations

POSTED:: December 10, 2013



If you donated to WMSE this year and plan to attend the Member Party at Club Garibaldis this Thursday, we want to encourage you to bring donations of hot chocolate for the Hunger Task Force (HTF). Each year, HTF collects hot chocolate for families in need during the holiday season, and WMSE proudly acts as a donation station. We’ll have a collections box at Club Garibaldis, so please help us help others by filling the hot chocolate collection box to capacity. Friday is the last day we are acting as a donation station, so a giant hot chocolate push at the Member Party would be a really wonderful show of community support.

Thanks in advance for helping the cause, and we’ll see you on Thursday!

POSTED BY:: Ryan Schleicher

TAGGED::Club Garibaldis, Hunger Task Force