Dr. Sushi’s Free Jazz BBQ
With Dr. Sushi
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Remind Me
Dr. Sushi’s Free Jazz BBQ is a unique radio program that features three hours of hard-hitting, cutting-edge jazz and, on occasion, some modern experimental music. On any given Tuesday morning, you might hear something from the 1960’s performed by John Coltrane or Sun Ra right after a track from a CD released last week by an artist that you’ve never heard of. Dr. Sushi’s goal is to expand your musical horizons and surprise you with something every week. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with what he’s playing.
When not DJing, Dr. Sushi spends much of his time seeking justice for clients as a litigation attorney with an office in downtown Milwaukee. He has a wonderful teenage daughter that he loves spending time with and is still a runner, despite having surgery on both knees. He also enjoys traveling and has spent between two to four weeks per year for the last 20 years on the beautiful Hawaiian Island of Kauai. Hiking is a passion and he’s even hiked the world famous Kalalau Trail in Kauai on nine occasions, as well as many of the island’s other spectacular trails.
In addition to frequently attending concerts of all sorts, you also can spot Dr. Sushi at numerous sporting events around town. A Marquette Warriors season ticket holder for over 30 years, he fully expects that they will win the NCAA men’s basketball championship one of these days.
Dr. Sushi’s favorite band of all time is The Rolling Stones. His favorite jazz artist would be very hard to choose although Bird, Trane and Miles would certainly be at the top of the list. If you ever happen to see him somewhere, be sure to come up and say “Hi”. It’s always great to meet fellow jazz fans. Aloha.