Tune-In: The Legendary Dr. Lonnie Smith Interview

POSTED:: February 3, 2014

FILED UNDER:: Interviews


An authentic master and guru of the Hammond B-3 organ for over five decades, Dr. Lonnie Smith brings his trio to Milwaukee for an Alverno Presents concert this Thursday night at Alverno College’s Wehr Hall. The good doctor has been hailed as a legend, a living musical icon, and a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a turban who has performed with a virtual Who’s Who of the greatest jazz, blues, and R&B giants. When an artist the caliber of Dr. Lonnie Smith visits your city, you go.

Speaking of enigmas, of very own doctor – Dr. Sushi – will host Dr. Lonnie Smith tomorrow at 11am for an interview in advance of Thursday’s performance. No self-respecting jazz fan would dare miss this interview.

Interview Details:
Dr. Lonnie Smith
Tuesday, February 4 – 11am
Free Jazz BBQ w/ Dr. Sushi

POSTED BY:: Ryan Schleicher

TAGGED::Alverno Presents, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Jazz